Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.

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maple bear education franchise

Maple Bear is the Education Franchise to Watch

Posted in Education / Education Franchise on Thursday, September 1st, 2022

There’s not a parent in the world who, given the opportunity, doesn’t place a quality education for their child at the top of their priority list. With education comes opportunities, and the sooner the education process begins, the better for the child, the family and ultimately, the entire community. Maple Bear Global Schools is providing that quality education to thousands of students around the world and has quickly become an education franchise to watch as it expands its highly successful methods of teaching and education franchise opportunity within the US market.


Since 2017, the Child Education and Development Center Franchises industry has grown to $3.7 billion in total revenue. That market size is expected to have increased by 2.2% by the end of 2022.

As one of the recognized best education franchise opportunities in the industry, Maple Bear offers the best of Canadian bilingual education at a time when the demand for quality education is continuing to increase.


The country of Canada has long been recognized around the world for its outstanding quality of education—from elementary school to post-secondary studies. Canadian educators are some of the most well-trained in the world and bring diverse perspectives to the classroom. At the university level, 2 out of every 5 academics hold at least 1 international degree.

Additionally, according to the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Canada is ranked among the best performing education systems world-wide, ranking Canada as #1 in the English-speaking world in science, math and reading, and with smaller than average gaps between high and low performing students.

It is this quality nationwide education environment that gave rise to Maple Bear’s education philosophy and the one that has made Maple Bear a top education franchise in the industry today.

Developed from the ground up by Canadian early childhood education experts incorporating the very best of Canadian practice, the Maple Bear approach is based on a child-centered and activity-driven methodology and designed to achieve specific and measurable outcomes. Maple Bear places a heavy


Maple Bear’s unique approach to teaching language differs from traditional language instruction in that it is based on immersion learning, a method that has been proven in 35 countries across the globe where Maple Bear Schools are currently located.

Here are just some of the things we know as an education franchise that takes this very unique and proven approach to teach our students another language:

  • The younger a child starts to learn another language the better, with children able to learn more effortlessly up to the age of 7.
  • Children who learn a language prior to adolescence are more likely to speak with native-like pronunciation.
  • Far from confusing them, children who learn a second language early have been shown to concentrate better and display enhanced analytical skills.
  • Children in a bilingual curriculum learn to read sooner than monolingual students.
  • Bilingual learners develop better multi-tasking capabilities.

People looking for education franchise opportunities can also be confident in the fact that research findings on the effectiveness of immersion education are true for a wide range of students, including those from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds.


Canadian education philosophy – refined, tested, and proven – this is the Maple Bear education franchise opportunity.

As noted, there is an increasing need for quality education in the United States. The demand grows annually. A steadily increasing population along with parents seeking better opportunities for their children, make owning a Maple Bear Early Learning Center Franchise a timely education franchise opportunity. Are you the next local owner of this amazing education franchise?

Consider these benefits of becoming a Maple Bear franchise owner:

  • With an international growth strategy that has proven itself worldwide now focused on the United States, the opportunity for market selection will never be as flexible as it is now.
  • Maple Bear methodology, a living breathing curriculum that is constantly being updated by a very distinguished academic faculty of Canadian trainers, curriculum writers, and quality assurance personnel, provides you the confidence that you are offering your community a progressive yet proven educational opportunity that they cannot receive at other schools.
  • As a new education franchise owner, you will receive ongoing training, support with the development of your business plan, assistance with market analysis, and school build-out.
    Ongoing, you will receive training and support for operations, marketing, and academics.
  • This education franchise opportunity not only affords you the opportunity to build a profitable business but one that will build and leave a meaningful legacy in your community.
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